Thursday, August 26, 2021

Wednesday, August 25, 2021


 Hello every one today I going to talk about something tiring  something fun and that is lockdown. Yes I know some people out there yes some of you think that lockdown is boring because you stare at a screen all day for school work  like maths,reading,writing and all that kind of stuff you do at school well you’ve got the right person yes yes you think I never get off my device well sometimes I spend to much time on my screen than more time outside yes I am that kind of person who looks at a screen all day like a YouTuber. For example mr beast (gaming) staring at a screen for hours and hours well not over 24 hours because that wound make you go crosseyed and that wound be terrible so take rested like lunch or play outside for a rest. And that is all about my lockdown goodbye.


Friday, August 13, 2021

The olympics

 On Friday morning at school me and my class watched the olympics of 2020. We watched som

 rowing,swiming, and gymasticts the rowing looked like hard work [like pushing,going back and foward]

and im also looking foward to watching the boxing with all that punching [if it was me doing boxing i wound beat every one]  we'll dependes if i can beat everyone...

                                                                 THE END.