Tuesday, October 26, 2021


I wanted to create a PSA on Covid-19 especially around how we need to work together to fight covid.
I used the phrase "we are all on the same boat' but used the Maori word for a boat which is 'waka'. This is so I could relate the message to Kiwis. We are all on the same journey to be Covid - free.


  1. Hey Kingston,

    Woahhhhhh! This looks so awesome! It looks like it was professionally made!
    You've done a great job with it - included images, included facts, and a great message to the public. Well done!

    One thing that stands out for me is that you've used some Te Reo Maori in your PSA. I think it's really important to use and acknowledge Te Reo Maori, so I think you've done a great job in including it in your PSA!

    Did you know about PSA's before doing this task? If not, what did you learn about PSA's?

    I look forward to reading more of your blogs.
    Ms Key

  2. wow nice blog.The PSA looks like it was done by a profesinal. Looking forward to your future blogs

  3. Wow.
    Nice job i really like your psa
    Can not wait to read another blog of yours.
    From maddy

  4. Hi Kingston!
    Really nice psa!
    It looks like it was made by the government.
    You can see my psa at https://nwsyuvaans.blogspot.com/2021/10/my-psa.html#comment-form and my blog at https://nwsyuvaans.blogspot.com
    Yuvaan rm23 NWS

  5. Good morning kingston! I really like your PSA it's short but it stands out very well. Well Done.

  6. Hello Kingston, your psa looks really great, I think it really fits in for what's going on and I like how you've used some Te Reo Maori. Good job!

  7. Wow, this PSA is really cool. I loved everything and the first picture is actually true!

  8. Hi Kingston,
    Amazing PSA It's very inspiring. I Love it !
