Wednesday, September 1, 2021

How to make Lemon madeira

  How to make Lemon madeira



Ingredients                1: Preheat oven to 180`C conventional

                                  160`C fan forced. Grease and line a 20cm x              

: lemon cake mix      11cm loaf pan.          

:3 large eggs              

: ⅓ cup of milk                                 MIX   

:70g soft butter           2: empty the cake mix into your large bowl 

                                         Add the eggs, milk and soft butter and mix with

                                           an electric mixer on high for 3 minutes. Pour the

                                                cake batter into the prepared pan.


:jug                                                          BAKE 

:Big bowl 2x                               3: Bake for 40-45 minutes or until a

: electric mixer                           skewer inserted in the middle comes out

                                                  clean. Allow to cool in the pan for 10 

                                               minutes before transferring to a wire rack.


For icing 

½ tablespoon                                         ICE

of milk {10ml}   Empty the icing mix into a bowl 

                                                       Add milk and soft butter and mix with 

                                                      an electric mixer for 2-3 minutes on high.

                                                    Spread icing over cooled cake before 

                                                    serving and enjoying.



    Kia Ora Kingston

    Madeira cake was one of my aunt's favourite cakes to make. She used to add finely grated lemon rind and a small amount of the lemon juice to make the icing. I wonder if when writing a recipe out that the instructions have all the same margin which would make the presentation neater. Adding a photo of what the cake could look like would make it more appealing to the viewer. I hope you enjoyed making the cake. I look forward to reading your next blog. From Mrs A

  2. Kia ora Kingston,

    I've never had Madeira before! It'll be great to see a photo so that I can see that I'm doing it right. I really like how specific you were in your instructions - 2 -3 minutes on high.

    Remember to add adverb to make it more clearly e.g. how fast should they fix it?

    Looking forward to future blog posts,
    Miss Laxa
