Tuesday, October 26, 2021


I wanted to create a PSA on Covid-19 especially around how we need to work together to fight covid.
I used the phrase "we are all on the same boat' but used the Maori word for a boat which is 'waka'. This is so I could relate the message to Kiwis. We are all on the same journey to be Covid - free.

Friday, October 22, 2021

In my spare time

In my spare time these are two of the things I enjoy doing.

  • Bike rides with my Dad and sister - this helps me get some fresh air as well as some much needed exercise. We get to explore, enjoying the journey to new destinations in Auckland. It makes me feel extremely energized.
  • Gaming - I really like gaming especially playing Minecraft and Shell Shockers. I enjoy it as I get to escape into my imagination. I also really love building and appreciate architecture which is why I play Minecraft religiously. I get to build various kinds of houses for different purposes. I've built villages, houses, mansions and kingdoms - where ever my imagination takes me.
I truly hope everyone enjoys activities where they get to refresh and use their imagination.


Monday, September 20, 2021

What i do in lockdown

 What do i do in lockdown. Well i pretty much just do my school work [as usaul] then i play minecraft most of the time and watch prestonplayz because he's got amazing fire merch and please if you watch prestonplayz PLEASE subsribe to him and also buy his amazing merch. Now you think i watch and play video games all day well no i do play outside and go on awesome bike rides like on saturday me my dad and older sister went on a bike ride all the way to the city and back home and my favourite thing is homemade meals and spending time with my family and thats all.

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Happy tongan language week

 malo e lelei and welcome today i am going to talk about tongan language week. You maybye wondering what do tongans do for tongan language week we'll they wound preform in front of a huge crowd at a park they wound also eat thing like kumara witch mean in tongan sweet poatato and some of you may have herd about chop suey. Tongan language week is'int all about dancing and eating delicious foods tongan language week is also to remember all your tongan ancestors who used to celebrate  tongan language and you wish they can celebrate with you and witch they are still with you because my tongan family says that the stars are ancestors and that is all ofa to

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Me out of lock down and me in lockdown


How to make Lemon madeira

  How to make Lemon madeira



Ingredients                1: Preheat oven to 180`C conventional

                                  160`C fan forced. Grease and line a 20cm x              

: lemon cake mix      11cm loaf pan.          

:3 large eggs              

: ⅓ cup of milk                                 MIX   

:70g soft butter           2: empty the cake mix into your large bowl 

                                         Add the eggs, milk and soft butter and mix with

                                           an electric mixer on high for 3 minutes. Pour the

                                                cake batter into the prepared pan.


:jug                                                          BAKE 

:Big bowl 2x                               3: Bake for 40-45 minutes or until a

: electric mixer                           skewer inserted in the middle comes out

                                                  clean. Allow to cool in the pan for 10 

                                               minutes before transferring to a wire rack.


For icing 

½ tablespoon                                         ICE

of milk {10ml}   Empty the icing mix into a bowl 

                                                       Add milk and soft butter and mix with 

                                                      an electric mixer for 2-3 minutes on high.

                                                    Spread icing over cooled cake before 

                                                    serving and enjoying.

Thursday, August 26, 2021